Wow it's really been way too long since I even looked at this window! Problem is i'm feeling very restlessa dn really dont' feel like doing blogging tonight. BUT! Only 5 more days of school!! And I only have 2 more pieces of assessment, then 4 in testing week and then I'm all done! Do you know how good that feels? Well people who go to school with me will, and you boys who are already finished and having fun bumming around would know what it will feel like eventually :P I actually don't like you guys much at the moment! Except Darsh and Snoopy, who still have one more exam tomorrow.
GOOD LUCK BOYS!!!!!! ********** (<----Lucky stars da ne)
So! Yeah i actually dont' have much to write about.
Oh i got a job. Yes I actually have the BEST job ever....and I only work on weekends and it's fun and I love it. I'm a gecko girl! I paint faces and balloon model and supervise jumping castles and corporate events and birthday parties. OMG i love it so much.
*hugs to the best job ever*
Only 72 (?) days to go until Japan. I'm going to live in Eniwa (a city/suburb near Sapporo) in Hokkaido, and I might be going to school in Sapporo at a private school called Hokusei Gakuen (I don't know which one, there is a private girls school, and a university high school...but look them up they both look pretty amazing!) My family is 2 girls (Kokoro and Miki) who are 29 and 25, respectively, a father and a brother who lives somewhere else and rarely comes home to visit. SO! That will be awesome fun though, cause I'll get all different perspectives and get to go home and to school by myself and make friends by myself and it will be awesome!!!!
So exciing!!! But through my excitement, everytime I cross of on eof the countdown numbers I get sad and depressed and scared for a few as they're getting slower together taht could become more watch out!
OMG I NEED TO WRITE MY ROTARY SPEECH!! Must do that this weekend, ok? Don't let me do anythign until I have done it.
Hope you're all enjyoing the last few bits of school.
Look my up on facebook, that's how I'm going to keep in contact while i'm away, k? Goodo!
Love Always
Sa ^.^
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Btw, Music Festival was awesome fun, it was so nice to be with people who all wanted to be there for the same reason and it made it sound awesome.
Have fun!
Love Tessa
Thursday, 6 September 2007
I was sitting under the stars today. well....the clouds. But it was so nice...even though there weren't many stars because the clouds were in the way...but it's nice. It was nice and cool today though, and the breeze was a really nice feeling on my face...i dunno it was nice and it made your realise how....i big everything is. I guess it's nice to just sit and not think about anything for a while. And I should do some english soon...
ah well!
japanese study....test tommorrow....see you later.
think about the stars and the clouds and wind ^w^
Love Sa
ah well!
japanese study....test tommorrow....see you later.
think about the stars and the clouds and wind ^w^
Love Sa
Monday, 27 August 2007
The Countdown Begins
I'll write more about Tuross later....but quickly before orchestra.....
143 days!!!!!!!
Love Sa
143 days!!!!!!!
Love Sa
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Someone asked me today "What is a boyfriend to you?"
My answer was it's like having the best friend you've ever had...but you can hug and kiss them without beign ultra weird...
What do you guys think? girlfriend can be substituted, of course.
Love Sa
My answer was it's like having the best friend you've ever had...but you can hug and kiss them without beign ultra weird...
What do you guys think? girlfriend can be substituted, of course.
Love Sa
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Time to use this blog like most people use rant and be emo. But probably less of the rant because i'm not in the mood for typing lots.
i'm so sick of everything. grrrr...
It's so unfair. My parents "extended" my curfew to midnight when I turned 18, but then proceeded to message me at quarter past 11 to say i should have been home at 11 and then when i got home i got yelled at...i'm so sick of everything...
thanks puddles and snoopy for letting me invade you guys again this weekend ^.^
i'm so sick of everything. grrrr...
It's so unfair. My parents "extended" my curfew to midnight when I turned 18, but then proceeded to message me at quarter past 11 to say i should have been home at 11 and then when i got home i got yelled at...i'm so sick of everything...
thanks puddles and snoopy for letting me invade you guys again this weekend ^.^
Friday, 10 August 2007
New Goldfish!
We got new goldfish today! Well...I did...but there are two, but Ainslee doesn't want one cause then she'll forget to feed I got to name them.
They're names are:
How cute is that!
Here's a picture. I took a video but I can't upload it....hmm....

I know it's'll live.
No depressingly fatal names this time! The white and gold one is socks, and the speckled one in the background is shoes
Love Sa
They're names are:
How cute is that!
Here's a picture. I took a video but I can't upload it....hmm....

I know it's'll live.
No depressingly fatal names this time! The white and gold one is socks, and the speckled one in the background is shoes
Love Sa
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Finished story! (Long Post)
But They Didn't Know It Yet
Once upon a time there was a boy. Once upon a time there was a girl. Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl, who didn't know it yet but they were to become the best of friends. That's the beauty of being a writer, you know all these things the characters don't know yet. I call myself a writer because I'm hesitant to call myself an 'author', it sounds so official and gives the impression that I'm actually good at writing. Don't worry. I'm not.
Once upon a time there was a boy named Jason. There's no real reason he was called Jason, I just like the name. It's much better than 'Jarred', and suits a boy better than 'Bethany'. Jason wasn't your typical, macho, teenage footy-head. Actually he was the complete opposite. In fact, his favourite past time was doing maths homework and watching downloaded anime. Jason was 17 going on 18 years old and lived in a nice house in a nice suburb and went to a respectable school. He had a brother and a sister, both younger, but their names aren't important at the moment. He also had a mother and father, but their names aren't that important right now either, so maybe I'll tell you later on. He also had a very cute puppy named Jack. Jack was a black pomeranian puppy and he loved to go on long walks and bark at twigs that got on his footpath. Jack was exclusively Jason's puppy. His best friend had given it to him before she went away on her gap year. She'd thought he was the cutest thing ever, and warned Jason to take care of him cause she'd take him back when she came back home. Jason had laughed at her and and promised like a good friend should.
This is how the story ends: Once upon a time there was a boy and girl, who didn't know it yet but they were to become the best of friends.
The best thing about Miranda's room is the fish bowl. It is round and made of glass, just like the ones that you usually read about in stories. Of course, what usually defines them as 'interesting' is the fish that is usually contained inside the bowl. Miranda didn't have a fish. She thought it was cruel to put a poor, helpless goldfish in a tiny little bowl, so she freed hers into the pond outside.
Her mother doesn't have the heart to tell her she saw a bird snatch him up one day. (For the pessimists)
She doesn't have the heart to tell her mother that she had set him free. (For the romantics)
The fish now lives in the outside fish pond, happily feeding on insects and larvae, and is about 20cm long. His tail, he tells his friends, has become glossier since the move, and everyday he counts his lucky stars that he had a lovely friend like Miranda to set him free. (For the optimists)
Miranda loves to read. I think it's the idea of escaping to a different world, a different reality. That's how this story begins. Miranda is reading a book called...well, that's not important yet either. She's reading a book and when she turns the page the words have disappeared.
Jason was reading a book and when he turned the page the words disappeared. The book was called “Cinderella”. He only studies when he goes to school and so has no friends, and no understanding of the stereotyping that goes on there. He feels there are better things he can be doing with his time. Consequently, he has no qualms about me announcing to the world that he is reading “Cinderella” at the age of 17 going on 18.
What would you do when the words disappear from the page in front of you? And after you've flipped through the rest, only to see the rest of the book is empty? And after you've checked the front and seen that the words you have just read are completely invisible? I'd probably put it down and run from the room...quickly...but I'm a scaredy-cat and can't stomach that sort of thing. Jason had read other books like “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” by J.K. Rowling, and seen movies like “The Lakehouse” starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock where mysteriously blank papers had lead to marvellous relationships. He got out a pen (pencil was too risky and definitely not steadfast enough) and wrote:
Hello. My name is Jason Young. Is anybody out there?
Miranda stares in shock for a second. A book has never done this to her. She feels betrayed and abandoned. She slams the book shut and runs out of the room...quickly...
I lied before, this is how the story really begins: Once upon a time there was a girl, but her name wasn't Miranda.
Jason was disappointed. People always made magical connections like that in books and movies. He really began to regret taking this part in a mere story. He put the book back up on his bookshelf next to J.K. Rowling's “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, among others. In fact, if you flipped through any of the books on his bookshelf you'd find similar blank pages. All blank except:
Hello. My name is Jason Young. Is anybody out there?
So if there's no girl called Miranda, then what is her name? Jack chewed thoughtfully on Jason's slipper. That's what puppies do, among other things. Jason chewed thoughtfully on a licorice stick. That's what he did, among other things. One of the other things was homework, so he cracked open a textbook and began to read.
It's a sticky, boring day in class. Emma sits at her too small desk in her too small chair with her too many books and tries to wrap her brain around the question in front of her.
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Why does anybody give a damn? She certainly doesn't. Her page is blank. Well not quite, she's drawn a silly little scribble of a raven sitting on a writing desk, and she still can't see any similarities.
Emma's so sick of sitting at school. She wishes she could be at home, lying in her nice warm bed with the content bubbling of the filter in her fish tank beside her. Forget simplicity, this girl goes all out. Heaters, filters, living plants, tropical name it, she's got it. She names it and it's called Friday: the best day of the week, no catching a bus on a Friday, late night shopping with friends on a Friday, a black and white striped angel fish that lives next to Emma's bed.
Friday likes his tank. He swims around in circles all day, and because he forgets what he's just seen when he sees something new, every day presents a new world to him. He's the ultimate optimist. Blop, a castle! Blop, a tree! Blop, a big, funny pinkish blob that feeds me! Blob, food! Blop, a castle! Blop, a tree...etc., etc., etc..
Emma's mum yells up the stairs. Emma yells back at her. Blop, a loud sound...
Jack fell asleep on Jason's lap. He patted the puppy's soft, floppy ears automatically while he thought about the weather. It was raining that day, the day that Jack fell asleep on his lap. That's what puppies do, among other things. Rainy days, thought Jason, are perfectly marvellous. He chuckled as he read what he just said back to himself. It reminded him of A.A. Milne's “Winnie the Pooh”. Perfectly marvellous indeed. Speaking of “Winnie the Pooh”, Jason took down his old, battered copy of the book from his shelf. It still had words. There were two shelves in his room. The one on the left side was filled with books that were still able to be read. The one on the right only had books that had betrayed him. “Winnie the Pooh” was on the left side. I have a friend who is quite adamant about the way you read books. The covers should never be bent, and the pages should never be dog-eared. But if you read it like that then how can you tell the difference between a well loved book and a book of obligation? This book was obviously a well-loved book. The cover had been taped together several times, pages have been ripped and mended, and the cover was most definitely bent.
Jason flipped open the well-worn cover and began to read.
Emma chooses a song from her iPod and turns the volume right up. She can see the stack of homework staring at her from her desk, but chooses to read a book instead. I think it's the idea of escaping to a different world. She cracks open A.A. Milne's “Winnie the Pooh” and settles down in the comfort of her bed.
Jason had a familiar sensation as he turned the page to find that the words were missing. He felt a slight pang of sadness this time around, he really liked that book. He automatically reached for the pen that he always kept close on his bedside table, but stopped before writing, leaving the pen hovering about a millimetre from the paper. Maybe the magic wasn't meant to happen to him. That was the moment that he realised that nothing around him could change if he didn't. He closed the book and placed it back in the bookshelf, on the right hand side of the room. Jack was scratching at the door to go out.
That's what puppies do, among other things.
Emma has fallen asleep with her copy of the children's classic lying open on her chest. She doesn't notice when the words disappear. She certainly doesn't notice that Jason didn't write anything this time.
And that's the end of her.
I suppose it would have been simpler to start the story simply with this: Once upon a time there was a boy named Jason. He doesn't seem to have had much success with the ladies (girls?) I've introduced him to so far in this story. I guess that's what he gets for taking this part in a story that's not even written by an author. Perhaps I should keep my mind more open. Maybe girls aren't what he's interested in. Let's try something else.
Caleb is 16 going on 17 (to continue my cheesy musical references) with spiky blonde hair and jeans that are much too tight. He enjoys long walks on the beach, anything to do with Brad Pitt, puppies and 17 going on 18 year old boys...not necessarily all together...but there's nothing wrong with putting them all together either.
I think I've upset Jason a bit. And I think he's missed the point of the story a bit. I don't even really know what the point is, but it certainly isn't to find him a girlfriend.
And I still didn't get to say my part about Caleb's fish tank, which is a rectangle with crisp, clean lines and a small school of neon-tetras floating uninterestedly around.
Or the part about how I think he likes reading because it offers an escape.
Oh well I should probably move on anyway. Jason looks pretty angry.
Jason had decided that it was up to him if he wanted his life to change. He was sick of sitting in his room, reading books and living in the hope that someone like him was out there, sitting in their room and living in the hope that someone like them was out there, sitting in their room and living in the hope that someone like them was out there...etc., etc., etc.
Jack was staring out the window wistfully. There was a pet store across the corner from the house where Jason and Jack lived, and he'd been eyeing off a particularly cute looking girl puppy for about a week. Jason never seemed to get the hint though, and whenever they went for walks he couldn't seem to get him to stop at the pet shop, even for two minutes. He tried the routine again today. Jack scratched on the door and whimpered a bit. Jason put his lead on and took him out the front of the house, and Jack ran towards the pet shop. But today there wasn't any resistance from the other end of the lead, and he raced towards it with new found ease and excitement.
Jason had decided that it was up to him if he wanted his life to change. He had grabbed Jack's leash and tugged him out the door, as he walked with purpose towards the pet store on the corner. He had decided it was time to get a pet fish. He was thinking along the lines of a simple, round goldfish bowl with multicoloured pebbles and a little statue of a pirate ship, and one of those black, googly-eyed goldfish that would swim around in circles discovering new worlds every 3 seconds and saying “blop” every now and then. But definitely no crisp, clean lines.
Jack could hardly believe what was happening, his dream was coming true! They headed towards the pet shops door almost running. He saw the pretty girl puppy in the window and sat down in front of her, staring wistfully (Jason had tied him up outside while he went fish shopping). He was so happy, he couldn't even raise the courage to get her attention. He decided to sneak and away and cross the road again, to see if she noticed the second time. It reminds me of that cheesy pick-up line: “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
He ran across the road, shook himself a bit and stepped out onto the black gravel road.
A truck came roaring past.
This was a story about a boy and girl, who didn't know it yet, but they were to become the best of friends. And now, i suppose, they will never know.
And by the way, Jason's family never really became important, but in case you were wondering their names were Emma, Randal, Emily and Rick.
I guess this means I lied about the end of the story too. I didn't make any promises though, and I did warn you. After all, I'm not an author or anything you know...
Once upon a time there was a boy. Once upon a time there was a girl. Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl, who didn't know it yet but they were to become the best of friends. That's the beauty of being a writer, you know all these things the characters don't know yet. I call myself a writer because I'm hesitant to call myself an 'author', it sounds so official and gives the impression that I'm actually good at writing. Don't worry. I'm not.
Once upon a time there was a boy named Jason. There's no real reason he was called Jason, I just like the name. It's much better than 'Jarred', and suits a boy better than 'Bethany'. Jason wasn't your typical, macho, teenage footy-head. Actually he was the complete opposite. In fact, his favourite past time was doing maths homework and watching downloaded anime. Jason was 17 going on 18 years old and lived in a nice house in a nice suburb and went to a respectable school. He had a brother and a sister, both younger, but their names aren't important at the moment. He also had a mother and father, but their names aren't that important right now either, so maybe I'll tell you later on. He also had a very cute puppy named Jack. Jack was a black pomeranian puppy and he loved to go on long walks and bark at twigs that got on his footpath. Jack was exclusively Jason's puppy. His best friend had given it to him before she went away on her gap year. She'd thought he was the cutest thing ever, and warned Jason to take care of him cause she'd take him back when she came back home. Jason had laughed at her and and promised like a good friend should.
This is how the story ends: Once upon a time there was a boy and girl, who didn't know it yet but they were to become the best of friends.
The best thing about Miranda's room is the fish bowl. It is round and made of glass, just like the ones that you usually read about in stories. Of course, what usually defines them as 'interesting' is the fish that is usually contained inside the bowl. Miranda didn't have a fish. She thought it was cruel to put a poor, helpless goldfish in a tiny little bowl, so she freed hers into the pond outside.
Her mother doesn't have the heart to tell her she saw a bird snatch him up one day. (For the pessimists)
She doesn't have the heart to tell her mother that she had set him free. (For the romantics)
The fish now lives in the outside fish pond, happily feeding on insects and larvae, and is about 20cm long. His tail, he tells his friends, has become glossier since the move, and everyday he counts his lucky stars that he had a lovely friend like Miranda to set him free. (For the optimists)
Miranda loves to read. I think it's the idea of escaping to a different world, a different reality. That's how this story begins. Miranda is reading a book called...well, that's not important yet either. She's reading a book and when she turns the page the words have disappeared.
Jason was reading a book and when he turned the page the words disappeared. The book was called “Cinderella”. He only studies when he goes to school and so has no friends, and no understanding of the stereotyping that goes on there. He feels there are better things he can be doing with his time. Consequently, he has no qualms about me announcing to the world that he is reading “Cinderella” at the age of 17 going on 18.
What would you do when the words disappear from the page in front of you? And after you've flipped through the rest, only to see the rest of the book is empty? And after you've checked the front and seen that the words you have just read are completely invisible? I'd probably put it down and run from the room...quickly...but I'm a scaredy-cat and can't stomach that sort of thing. Jason had read other books like “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” by J.K. Rowling, and seen movies like “The Lakehouse” starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock where mysteriously blank papers had lead to marvellous relationships. He got out a pen (pencil was too risky and definitely not steadfast enough) and wrote:
Hello. My name is Jason Young. Is anybody out there?
Miranda stares in shock for a second. A book has never done this to her. She feels betrayed and abandoned. She slams the book shut and runs out of the room...quickly...
I lied before, this is how the story really begins: Once upon a time there was a girl, but her name wasn't Miranda.
Jason was disappointed. People always made magical connections like that in books and movies. He really began to regret taking this part in a mere story. He put the book back up on his bookshelf next to J.K. Rowling's “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, among others. In fact, if you flipped through any of the books on his bookshelf you'd find similar blank pages. All blank except:
Hello. My name is Jason Young. Is anybody out there?
So if there's no girl called Miranda, then what is her name? Jack chewed thoughtfully on Jason's slipper. That's what puppies do, among other things. Jason chewed thoughtfully on a licorice stick. That's what he did, among other things. One of the other things was homework, so he cracked open a textbook and began to read.
It's a sticky, boring day in class. Emma sits at her too small desk in her too small chair with her too many books and tries to wrap her brain around the question in front of her.
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Why does anybody give a damn? She certainly doesn't. Her page is blank. Well not quite, she's drawn a silly little scribble of a raven sitting on a writing desk, and she still can't see any similarities.
Emma's so sick of sitting at school. She wishes she could be at home, lying in her nice warm bed with the content bubbling of the filter in her fish tank beside her. Forget simplicity, this girl goes all out. Heaters, filters, living plants, tropical name it, she's got it. She names it and it's called Friday: the best day of the week, no catching a bus on a Friday, late night shopping with friends on a Friday, a black and white striped angel fish that lives next to Emma's bed.
Friday likes his tank. He swims around in circles all day, and because he forgets what he's just seen when he sees something new, every day presents a new world to him. He's the ultimate optimist. Blop, a castle! Blop, a tree! Blop, a big, funny pinkish blob that feeds me! Blob, food! Blop, a castle! Blop, a tree...etc., etc., etc..
Emma's mum yells up the stairs. Emma yells back at her. Blop, a loud sound...
Jack fell asleep on Jason's lap. He patted the puppy's soft, floppy ears automatically while he thought about the weather. It was raining that day, the day that Jack fell asleep on his lap. That's what puppies do, among other things. Rainy days, thought Jason, are perfectly marvellous. He chuckled as he read what he just said back to himself. It reminded him of A.A. Milne's “Winnie the Pooh”. Perfectly marvellous indeed. Speaking of “Winnie the Pooh”, Jason took down his old, battered copy of the book from his shelf. It still had words. There were two shelves in his room. The one on the left side was filled with books that were still able to be read. The one on the right only had books that had betrayed him. “Winnie the Pooh” was on the left side. I have a friend who is quite adamant about the way you read books. The covers should never be bent, and the pages should never be dog-eared. But if you read it like that then how can you tell the difference between a well loved book and a book of obligation? This book was obviously a well-loved book. The cover had been taped together several times, pages have been ripped and mended, and the cover was most definitely bent.
Jason flipped open the well-worn cover and began to read.
Emma chooses a song from her iPod and turns the volume right up. She can see the stack of homework staring at her from her desk, but chooses to read a book instead. I think it's the idea of escaping to a different world. She cracks open A.A. Milne's “Winnie the Pooh” and settles down in the comfort of her bed.
Jason had a familiar sensation as he turned the page to find that the words were missing. He felt a slight pang of sadness this time around, he really liked that book. He automatically reached for the pen that he always kept close on his bedside table, but stopped before writing, leaving the pen hovering about a millimetre from the paper. Maybe the magic wasn't meant to happen to him. That was the moment that he realised that nothing around him could change if he didn't. He closed the book and placed it back in the bookshelf, on the right hand side of the room. Jack was scratching at the door to go out.
That's what puppies do, among other things.
Emma has fallen asleep with her copy of the children's classic lying open on her chest. She doesn't notice when the words disappear. She certainly doesn't notice that Jason didn't write anything this time.
And that's the end of her.
I suppose it would have been simpler to start the story simply with this: Once upon a time there was a boy named Jason. He doesn't seem to have had much success with the ladies (girls?) I've introduced him to so far in this story. I guess that's what he gets for taking this part in a story that's not even written by an author. Perhaps I should keep my mind more open. Maybe girls aren't what he's interested in. Let's try something else.
Caleb is 16 going on 17 (to continue my cheesy musical references) with spiky blonde hair and jeans that are much too tight. He enjoys long walks on the beach, anything to do with Brad Pitt, puppies and 17 going on 18 year old boys...not necessarily all together...but there's nothing wrong with putting them all together either.
I think I've upset Jason a bit. And I think he's missed the point of the story a bit. I don't even really know what the point is, but it certainly isn't to find him a girlfriend.
And I still didn't get to say my part about Caleb's fish tank, which is a rectangle with crisp, clean lines and a small school of neon-tetras floating uninterestedly around.
Or the part about how I think he likes reading because it offers an escape.
Oh well I should probably move on anyway. Jason looks pretty angry.
Jason had decided that it was up to him if he wanted his life to change. He was sick of sitting in his room, reading books and living in the hope that someone like him was out there, sitting in their room and living in the hope that someone like them was out there, sitting in their room and living in the hope that someone like them was out there...etc., etc., etc.
Jack was staring out the window wistfully. There was a pet store across the corner from the house where Jason and Jack lived, and he'd been eyeing off a particularly cute looking girl puppy for about a week. Jason never seemed to get the hint though, and whenever they went for walks he couldn't seem to get him to stop at the pet shop, even for two minutes. He tried the routine again today. Jack scratched on the door and whimpered a bit. Jason put his lead on and took him out the front of the house, and Jack ran towards the pet shop. But today there wasn't any resistance from the other end of the lead, and he raced towards it with new found ease and excitement.
Jason had decided that it was up to him if he wanted his life to change. He had grabbed Jack's leash and tugged him out the door, as he walked with purpose towards the pet store on the corner. He had decided it was time to get a pet fish. He was thinking along the lines of a simple, round goldfish bowl with multicoloured pebbles and a little statue of a pirate ship, and one of those black, googly-eyed goldfish that would swim around in circles discovering new worlds every 3 seconds and saying “blop” every now and then. But definitely no crisp, clean lines.
Jack could hardly believe what was happening, his dream was coming true! They headed towards the pet shops door almost running. He saw the pretty girl puppy in the window and sat down in front of her, staring wistfully (Jason had tied him up outside while he went fish shopping). He was so happy, he couldn't even raise the courage to get her attention. He decided to sneak and away and cross the road again, to see if she noticed the second time. It reminds me of that cheesy pick-up line: “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
He ran across the road, shook himself a bit and stepped out onto the black gravel road.
A truck came roaring past.
This was a story about a boy and girl, who didn't know it yet, but they were to become the best of friends. And now, i suppose, they will never know.
And by the way, Jason's family never really became important, but in case you were wondering their names were Emma, Randal, Emily and Rick.
I guess this means I lied about the end of the story too. I didn't make any promises though, and I did warn you. After all, I'm not an author or anything you know...
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Songs that remind me of people....part 1
Hehe I made a playlist cause I was bored.....It'll be added Run to Paradise which I have to download for Rob ^.^
She's Got A Way - Billy Joel - AJ (cause you sent it to me)
Don't Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith - Shu (cause it was almost the only song I made you listen to that you actually liked!)
All Star - Smashmouth - Puddles (!)
Beyond The Sea - Bobby Darin - Darsha (you went through a stage of loving this song)
The Car Song - Cat Empire - Snoopy (I dunno why, cat empire...trumpets...always makes me think of you)
Cookie Song - Cookie Monster - Snoopy again (and he knows why ;) )
Karma Chameleon - Culture Club - TK (I heard stories about you and this song on singstar)
Mad World - Gary Jules - Boyd (He went pretty amd about this at some point)
Hit Me Up - Gia Farrel - Robbie (You hate this song....and the title just describes you to a 't'...or an 'r'...)
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls - Lulu - (You loved this song at some point too)
Pop! Goes My Heart - Hugh Grant - Liiza and Annabel (Liiza cause you gave it to me....Bel cause we watched it at your house)
Are You Gonna Be My Girl - Jet - JAPAN TRIP!
Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake - Recent band trips (Our daily dose of sexy back) and bowls (our theme song last year)
ハルカナヤクソキ - KAT-TUN - Yuka (You don't like this one...overplayed or something ne?)
Rainbow Connection - Kermit the Frog - Darsha (You had a major obsession with Kermit the frog, remember?)
This Love - Maroon 5 - Lulu (Once again a song you liked ^.^)
Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson - Jess S. and music tours (We had big plans...but they were never realised...)
Grace Kelly - Mika - Snoopy and Darsha (The beautiful singing they did for me!)
Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) - Mika - Rob (Another song you hate ^.~)
Starlight - Muse - Sam (She gave me the CD ^.^)
きりきりまい - ORANGE RANGE - Rumi (My little host sister...she loved this song!)
お願い!セニョリータ - ORANGE RANGE - Karaoke with friends in Japan!
Tainted Love - Soft Cell - Ainslee and I's current favourite song
Stop - Spice Girls - many memories...
We Like To Party - Vengaboys - Puddles (hehe woot!)
White and Nerdy - Weird Al Yankovich - Josh (guy from bowls)
The Phantom of the Opera - Andrew Lloyd Weber - Bradley (I dunno just reminds me of you!)
Livin' La Vida Loca - Eddie Murphy and Antonio Banderas - Bradley (Puss and Donkey!!)
キュティーハニー - Koda Kumi - Risa (my host sister) and Chelsea and Kimi (Go our Japanese oral!)
Bananaphone - Raffi - Darsha (For more obvious went through a fruit stage too...)
Under the Sea - The Little Mermaid - Jess and Lulu (*dance dance*)
For The Longest Time - Billy Joel - AJ (I love this song and you found it for me!!!)
You're So Vain - Carly Simons - ????? (It's still a secret ^.~)
My Way - Def Tech - Akane (Japanese friend)
This Aint A Scene - Fallout Boy - Yuka (You loved this song not so long ago...)
Quatuor Pour La Fin Du Temps: No. 4 Intermede - Olivier Messiaen - Shu, Darsha and Lulu (Remember our silly quartet?)
Hehe that'll do for fingers hurt!!!
But before I go...another nostalgia thingo....

Love Sa
She's Got A Way - Billy Joel - AJ (cause you sent it to me)
Don't Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith - Shu (cause it was almost the only song I made you listen to that you actually liked!)
All Star - Smashmouth - Puddles (!)
Beyond The Sea - Bobby Darin - Darsha (you went through a stage of loving this song)
The Car Song - Cat Empire - Snoopy (I dunno why, cat empire...trumpets...always makes me think of you)
Cookie Song - Cookie Monster - Snoopy again (and he knows why ;) )
Karma Chameleon - Culture Club - TK (I heard stories about you and this song on singstar)
Mad World - Gary Jules - Boyd (He went pretty amd about this at some point)
Hit Me Up - Gia Farrel - Robbie (You hate this song....and the title just describes you to a 't'...or an 'r'...)
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls - Lulu - (You loved this song at some point too)
Pop! Goes My Heart - Hugh Grant - Liiza and Annabel (Liiza cause you gave it to me....Bel cause we watched it at your house)
Are You Gonna Be My Girl - Jet - JAPAN TRIP!
Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake - Recent band trips (Our daily dose of sexy back) and bowls (our theme song last year)
ハルカナヤクソキ - KAT-TUN - Yuka (You don't like this one...overplayed or something ne?)
Rainbow Connection - Kermit the Frog - Darsha (You had a major obsession with Kermit the frog, remember?)
This Love - Maroon 5 - Lulu (Once again a song you liked ^.^)
Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson - Jess S. and music tours (We had big plans...but they were never realised...)
Grace Kelly - Mika - Snoopy and Darsha (The beautiful singing they did for me!)
Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) - Mika - Rob (Another song you hate ^.~)
Starlight - Muse - Sam (She gave me the CD ^.^)
きりきりまい - ORANGE RANGE - Rumi (My little host sister...she loved this song!)
お願い!セニョリータ - ORANGE RANGE - Karaoke with friends in Japan!
Tainted Love - Soft Cell - Ainslee and I's current favourite song
Stop - Spice Girls - many memories...
We Like To Party - Vengaboys - Puddles (hehe woot!)
White and Nerdy - Weird Al Yankovich - Josh (guy from bowls)
The Phantom of the Opera - Andrew Lloyd Weber - Bradley (I dunno just reminds me of you!)
Livin' La Vida Loca - Eddie Murphy and Antonio Banderas - Bradley (Puss and Donkey!!)
キュティーハニー - Koda Kumi - Risa (my host sister) and Chelsea and Kimi (Go our Japanese oral!)
Bananaphone - Raffi - Darsha (For more obvious went through a fruit stage too...)
Under the Sea - The Little Mermaid - Jess and Lulu (*dance dance*)
For The Longest Time - Billy Joel - AJ (I love this song and you found it for me!!!)
You're So Vain - Carly Simons - ????? (It's still a secret ^.~)
My Way - Def Tech - Akane (Japanese friend)
This Aint A Scene - Fallout Boy - Yuka (You loved this song not so long ago...)
Quatuor Pour La Fin Du Temps: No. 4 Intermede - Olivier Messiaen - Shu, Darsha and Lulu (Remember our silly quartet?)
Hehe that'll do for fingers hurt!!!
But before I go...another nostalgia thingo....

Love Sa
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Well...Interesting day...*hugs* to everyone that needs them.... *extra hugs* to someone who i know really needs it...
Umm...i don't really know what to say...I just thought i should say somethign so that my angstyness isn't first thing you look at.
I'll put a video up that bradley sent me instead ^.^
Have a nice day guys....
Love Sa
Umm...i don't really know what to say...I just thought i should say somethign so that my angstyness isn't first thing you look at.
I'll put a video up that bradley sent me instead ^.^
Have a nice day guys....
Love Sa
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Heya! I don't know what I'm gonna write about today....hmm just feel like i should because it's been a while.
I'm feeling a bit confused at the moment....i can't really say anymore because it's my problem and not anyone else to worry about, but it's not anyones fault or anything...i'm just being a bit confused. i don't really know how to fix it though, so i just curl up in bed and read hp for about an hour after school every day....which usually leads to either falling asleep or feeling worse because harry is so annoying and he's still being ridiculously angsty! hehe.
On a sadder other beloved goldfish died on tuesday night, Guildenstern. He was the cutest goldfish and i was a bit upset because i really liked him and i thought he was ridiculously cute...but i know stuff happens and i'm sure i'll get another goldfish at sometime, hopefully sooner rather than later ^^ maybe on saturday when we go see the simpsons i'll drag someone to the pet shop to help me choose one...cept they never have very nice goldfish in there. There's a really good place to get goldfish in fyshwick, but that a bit of a way out.
Well being back at school is okay, it really isn't that bad...i just feel like i've been back a lot longer than 4 days!
Oops that reminds me i have to go and practice for ensemble tomorrow...wait i left my bass at school....damn.
Oh well i'll go and take a quick look at it on my normal klarinetten. Before i go i'd just like to say: sorry for missing you this morning AJ! and i've been listening to that song for the last 24 hours almost non-stop!
and also, sorry shu *hugs*
Love Sa
I'm feeling a bit confused at the moment....i can't really say anymore because it's my problem and not anyone else to worry about, but it's not anyones fault or anything...i'm just being a bit confused. i don't really know how to fix it though, so i just curl up in bed and read hp for about an hour after school every day....which usually leads to either falling asleep or feeling worse because harry is so annoying and he's still being ridiculously angsty! hehe.
On a sadder other beloved goldfish died on tuesday night, Guildenstern. He was the cutest goldfish and i was a bit upset because i really liked him and i thought he was ridiculously cute...but i know stuff happens and i'm sure i'll get another goldfish at sometime, hopefully sooner rather than later ^^ maybe on saturday when we go see the simpsons i'll drag someone to the pet shop to help me choose one...cept they never have very nice goldfish in there. There's a really good place to get goldfish in fyshwick, but that a bit of a way out.
Well being back at school is okay, it really isn't that bad...i just feel like i've been back a lot longer than 4 days!
Oops that reminds me i have to go and practice for ensemble tomorrow...wait i left my bass at school....damn.
Oh well i'll go and take a quick look at it on my normal klarinetten. Before i go i'd just like to say: sorry for missing you this morning AJ! and i've been listening to that song for the last 24 hours almost non-stop!
and also, sorry shu *hugs*
Love Sa
Friday, 20 July 2007
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Love Today
Ahhh...good song...
Yeah I'll type more later, i'm bored and can't think of anything to write....
Love Sa
Saturday, 7 July 2007
Monday, 2 July 2007
Party piccies
I'm so tired at the moment...must be still recovering more than i thought. Thanks for all comign though! It was great fun!!!!
Here's some piccies

Robbie. I know it's sideways, but you get the idea. His "posh" face.

Shru, Darsh and Me. This was quite early in the morning. I don't look to stoned, in face I look more awake than most of them!

My fish, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. *blop*
More later...I'm jsut tired and don't have that many photos.
Love Sa!
Here's some piccies

Robbie. I know it's sideways, but you get the idea. His "posh" face.

Shru, Darsh and Me. This was quite early in the morning. I don't look to stoned, in face I look more awake than most of them!

My fish, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. *blop*
More later...I'm jsut tired and don't have that many photos.
Love Sa!
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Very Sweet!~~
My Third post for the night...I know I'm going a bit over the top. I might change my song too.
Email that's going around...
When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind.
When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply.
When a GIRL looks at you with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how long you will be around.
When a GIRL answers "I'm fine " after a few seconds ... she is not at all fine.
When a GIRL stares at you ... she is wondering why you are lying.
When a GIRL is laying across your chest, listening to your heart beat ... she is thinking that she wants you to be hers ... forever.
When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered.
When a GIRL says " I love you " ... she means it.
When a GIRL says " I miss you " ... no one in this world can miss you more than that.
Life only comes around once make sure you spend it with the right person.
Find a guy ...
Who calls you beautiful instead of hot.
Who calls you back when you hang up on him.
Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the guy ...
Who kisses your forehead.
Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.
Who holds your hand in front of his friends.
Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.
Who turns to his friends and says, "That's her!! "
Email that's going around...
When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind.
When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply.
When a GIRL looks at you with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how long you will be around.
When a GIRL answers "I'm fine " after a few seconds ... she is not at all fine.
When a GIRL stares at you ... she is wondering why you are lying.
When a GIRL is laying across your chest, listening to your heart beat ... she is thinking that she wants you to be hers ... forever.
When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered.
When a GIRL says " I love you " ... she means it.
When a GIRL says " I miss you " ... no one in this world can miss you more than that.
Life only comes around once make sure you spend it with the right person.
Find a guy ...
Who calls you beautiful instead of hot.
Who calls you back when you hang up on him.
Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the guy ...
Who kisses your forehead.
Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.
Who holds your hand in front of his friends.
Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.
Who turns to his friends and says, "That's her!! "
Hisashiburi ne!
Hey guys!
It's been a while I know that. But I haven't really had much to talk about (I'm not really that interesting :P) Anyway....2 days left till my birthday!!! 3 sleeps. My mum always says to count in sleeps cause you always have to sleep the night before the thing you're waiting for. Anyway! I don't really know what to write about...I'm gonna....I'll find some videos to post up here from YouTube.
Actually! The lyrics for "Raspberry Beret" by Prince...I'm listening to it at the moment ^.^
1 2 1 2 3
I was working part time in a five-and-dime
My boss was mr. mcgee
He told me several times that he didnt like my kind
cause I was a bit 2 leisurely
Seems that I was busy doing something close 2 nothing
But different than the day before
Thats when I saw her, ooh, I saw her
She walked in through the out door, out door
She wore a
Raspberry beret
The kind u find in a second hand store
Raspberry beret
And if it was warm she wouldnt wear much more
Raspberry beret
I think I love her
Built like she was
She had the nerve 2 ask me
If I planned 2 do her any harm
So, look here
I put her on the back of my bike
And-a we went riding
Down by old man johnsons farm
I said now, overcast days never turned me on
But something about the clouds and her mixed
She wasnt 2 bright
But I could tell when she kissed me
She knew how 2 get her kicks
She wore a
Raspberry beret
The kind u find in a second hand store
Raspberry beret
And if it was warm she wouldnt wear much more
Raspberry beret
I think I love her
The rain sounds so cool when it hits the barn roof
And the horses wonder who u are
Thunder drowns out what the lightning sees
U feel like a movie star
They say the first time aint the greatest
But I tell ya
If I had the chance 2 do it all again
I wouldnt change a stroke
cause baby Im the most
With a girl as fine as she was then
(raspberry beret)
The kind u find (the kind u find)
The kind u find (in a second hand store)
Oh no no
(raspberry beret)
(and if it was warm)
Where have all the raspberry women gone? (she wouldnt wear much more)
Yeah (raspberry beret)
I think i... I think i... I think I love her
(raspberry beret)
No no no
No no no (the kind u find)
(in a second hand store)
(raspberry beret)
Tell me
Where have all the raspberry women gone? (and if it was warm she)
(wouldnt wear much more)
(raspberry beret)
I think I love...
hehe it's a nice song...catchy-like ^.^
Anyway! Now I'll go find a video. This, by the way, is how to fill up a blog post when you have absolutely nothign to say!!!!
Hehe, how funny!
Anyway I just found that!
Have fun!
Love Sa-chan *hugs*
It's been a while I know that. But I haven't really had much to talk about (I'm not really that interesting :P) Anyway....2 days left till my birthday!!! 3 sleeps. My mum always says to count in sleeps cause you always have to sleep the night before the thing you're waiting for. Anyway! I don't really know what to write about...I'm gonna....I'll find some videos to post up here from YouTube.
Actually! The lyrics for "Raspberry Beret" by Prince...I'm listening to it at the moment ^.^
1 2 1 2 3
I was working part time in a five-and-dime
My boss was mr. mcgee
He told me several times that he didnt like my kind
cause I was a bit 2 leisurely
Seems that I was busy doing something close 2 nothing
But different than the day before
Thats when I saw her, ooh, I saw her
She walked in through the out door, out door
She wore a
Raspberry beret
The kind u find in a second hand store
Raspberry beret
And if it was warm she wouldnt wear much more
Raspberry beret
I think I love her
Built like she was
She had the nerve 2 ask me
If I planned 2 do her any harm
So, look here
I put her on the back of my bike
And-a we went riding
Down by old man johnsons farm
I said now, overcast days never turned me on
But something about the clouds and her mixed
She wasnt 2 bright
But I could tell when she kissed me
She knew how 2 get her kicks
She wore a
Raspberry beret
The kind u find in a second hand store
Raspberry beret
And if it was warm she wouldnt wear much more
Raspberry beret
I think I love her
The rain sounds so cool when it hits the barn roof
And the horses wonder who u are
Thunder drowns out what the lightning sees
U feel like a movie star
They say the first time aint the greatest
But I tell ya
If I had the chance 2 do it all again
I wouldnt change a stroke
cause baby Im the most
With a girl as fine as she was then
(raspberry beret)
The kind u find (the kind u find)
The kind u find (in a second hand store)
Oh no no
(raspberry beret)
(and if it was warm)
Where have all the raspberry women gone? (she wouldnt wear much more)
Yeah (raspberry beret)
I think i... I think i... I think I love her
(raspberry beret)
No no no
No no no (the kind u find)
(in a second hand store)
(raspberry beret)
Tell me
Where have all the raspberry women gone? (and if it was warm she)
(wouldnt wear much more)
(raspberry beret)
I think I love...
hehe it's a nice song...catchy-like ^.^
Anyway! Now I'll go find a video. This, by the way, is how to fill up a blog post when you have absolutely nothign to say!!!!
Hehe, how funny!
Anyway I just found that!
Have fun!
Love Sa-chan *hugs*
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Monday, 11 June 2007
My Random Post-Modernness ness. Untitled. Possibly unfinished.
Once upon a time there was a boy. Once upon a time there was a girl. Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl, who didn't know it yet but they were to become the best of friends. That's the beauty of being a writer, you know all these things the characters don't know yet. I call myself a writer because I'm hesitant to call myself an 'author', it sounds so official and gives the impression that I'm actually good at writing. Don't worry. I'm not.
Let's begin with the boy. Once upon a time there was a boy named Jason. There's no real reason he was called Jason, I just like the name. It's much better than 'Jarred', and suits a boy better than 'Bethany'. Jason wasn't your typical, macho, teenage footy-head. Actually he was the complete opposite. Most of the boys I'm best friends with are pretty nerdy and sensitive type guys, so I guess I base a lot of the characters in my story around them. Jason was 17 going on 18 year old and lived in nice house in a nice suburb and went to a respectable school. He had a brother and a sister, both younger, but their names aren't important at the moment. He also had a mother and father, but their names aren't that important right now either, so maybe I'll tell you later on. He also had a very cute puppy named Jack. Jack was a black pomeranian puppy and he loved to go on long walks and bark at twigs that got on his footpath. Jack was exclusively Jason's puppy. His girlfriend had given it to him before she went away on her gap year. She'd thought he was the cutest thing ever, and warned Jason to take care of him cause she'd take him back when she came back home. Jason had laughed at her and and promised like a good boyfriend should.
This is how the story ends: Once upon a time there was no boy named Jason, and there was no girl named Miranda.
The best thing about Miranda's room is the fish bowl. It was round and made of glass, just like the ones that you usually read about in stories. Of course, what usually defines them as 'interesting' is the fish that is usually contained inside the bowl. Miranda didn't have a fish. She thought it was cruel to put a poor, helpless goldfish in a tiny little bowl, so she freed hers into the pond outside.
Her mother didn't have the heart to tell her she saw a bird snatch him up one day.
She didn't have the heart to tell her mother that she had set him free.
The fish now lives in the outside fish pond, happily feeding on insects and larvae, and is about 20cm long. His tail, he tells his friends, has become glossier since the move, and everyday he counts his lucky stars that he had a lovely friend like Miranda to set him free.
Miranda loves to read. I think it's the idea of escaping to a different world, a different reality. That's how this story begins. Miranda is reading a book called...well, that's not important yet either. She's reading a book and when she turns the page the words have disappeared.
Jason was reading a book and when he turned the page the words disappeared. The book was called “Cinderella”. Most of you probably aren't familiar with “Cinderella” being called a 'book' as opposed to a 'story' or 'fairy tale'. I can hear you tapping your feet indignantly and shaking your heads. But this is why I called it a book and not a story: In the same way that I am not an author, and this story is not a book, “Cinderella” is a magnificently crafted piece of literature that has withstood generations of telling and retelling, and I feel I owe it much more credit than to call it a 'story'. Jason only studies when he goes to school and so has no friends, and no understanding of the stereotyping that goes on there. He feels there are better things he can be doing with his time. Consequently, he has no qualms about me announcing to the world that he is reading “Cinderella” at the age of 17 going on 18.
What do you do when the word disappear from the page in front of you? And after you've flipped through the rest, only to see the rest of the book is empty? And after you've checked the front and seen that the words you have just read are completely invisible? I'd probably put it down and run from the room...quickly...but I'm a scaredy-cat and can't stomach that sort of thing. Jason had read other books like “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” by J.K. Rowling, and seen movies like “The Lakehouse” starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock where blank papers had lead to marvellous relationships. He got out a pen (pencil was too risky and definitely not steadfast enough) and wrote:
Hello. My name is Jason Young. Is anybody out there?
Miranda was shocked for a second. A book had never done this to her. She felt betrayed and abandoned. She slammed the book shut and ran out of the room...quickly...
I lied before, this is how the story really ends: Once upon a time there was never a boy named Jason or a girl named Miranda.
Let's begin with the boy. Once upon a time there was a boy named Jason. There's no real reason he was called Jason, I just like the name. It's much better than 'Jarred', and suits a boy better than 'Bethany'. Jason wasn't your typical, macho, teenage footy-head. Actually he was the complete opposite. Most of the boys I'm best friends with are pretty nerdy and sensitive type guys, so I guess I base a lot of the characters in my story around them. Jason was 17 going on 18 year old and lived in nice house in a nice suburb and went to a respectable school. He had a brother and a sister, both younger, but their names aren't important at the moment. He also had a mother and father, but their names aren't that important right now either, so maybe I'll tell you later on. He also had a very cute puppy named Jack. Jack was a black pomeranian puppy and he loved to go on long walks and bark at twigs that got on his footpath. Jack was exclusively Jason's puppy. His girlfriend had given it to him before she went away on her gap year. She'd thought he was the cutest thing ever, and warned Jason to take care of him cause she'd take him back when she came back home. Jason had laughed at her and and promised like a good boyfriend should.
This is how the story ends: Once upon a time there was no boy named Jason, and there was no girl named Miranda.
The best thing about Miranda's room is the fish bowl. It was round and made of glass, just like the ones that you usually read about in stories. Of course, what usually defines them as 'interesting' is the fish that is usually contained inside the bowl. Miranda didn't have a fish. She thought it was cruel to put a poor, helpless goldfish in a tiny little bowl, so she freed hers into the pond outside.
Her mother didn't have the heart to tell her she saw a bird snatch him up one day.
She didn't have the heart to tell her mother that she had set him free.
The fish now lives in the outside fish pond, happily feeding on insects and larvae, and is about 20cm long. His tail, he tells his friends, has become glossier since the move, and everyday he counts his lucky stars that he had a lovely friend like Miranda to set him free.
Miranda loves to read. I think it's the idea of escaping to a different world, a different reality. That's how this story begins. Miranda is reading a book called...well, that's not important yet either. She's reading a book and when she turns the page the words have disappeared.
Jason was reading a book and when he turned the page the words disappeared. The book was called “Cinderella”. Most of you probably aren't familiar with “Cinderella” being called a 'book' as opposed to a 'story' or 'fairy tale'. I can hear you tapping your feet indignantly and shaking your heads. But this is why I called it a book and not a story: In the same way that I am not an author, and this story is not a book, “Cinderella” is a magnificently crafted piece of literature that has withstood generations of telling and retelling, and I feel I owe it much more credit than to call it a 'story'. Jason only studies when he goes to school and so has no friends, and no understanding of the stereotyping that goes on there. He feels there are better things he can be doing with his time. Consequently, he has no qualms about me announcing to the world that he is reading “Cinderella” at the age of 17 going on 18.
What do you do when the word disappear from the page in front of you? And after you've flipped through the rest, only to see the rest of the book is empty? And after you've checked the front and seen that the words you have just read are completely invisible? I'd probably put it down and run from the room...quickly...but I'm a scaredy-cat and can't stomach that sort of thing. Jason had read other books like “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” by J.K. Rowling, and seen movies like “The Lakehouse” starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock where blank papers had lead to marvellous relationships. He got out a pen (pencil was too risky and definitely not steadfast enough) and wrote:
Hello. My name is Jason Young. Is anybody out there?
Miranda was shocked for a second. A book had never done this to her. She felt betrayed and abandoned. She slammed the book shut and ran out of the room...quickly...
I lied before, this is how the story really ends: Once upon a time there was never a boy named Jason or a girl named Miranda.
Saturday, 9 June 2007
From Vonne's Blog
Getting to Know You
1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be?
Erm...probably Canberra. I dunno I like Canberra! And I'd rather jsut travel even if it was for long periods of time, but always be able to come back her to my family and Canberra's really comfy.
2. What's your favourite article of clothing?
Shoes, definitely. *waves flag*
3. Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex?
I i think. Boys have such cool hair...*sigh* I'm getting mine cut on Wednesday.
4. The last cd you bought?
Happy Feet Soundtrack I believe.
5. Where's your least favourite place to be?
Hmmm hard one. I don't like complete darkness..actually let's change that: a rollercoaster. I hate them!
6. What's your favourite place to be massaged?
My dad does the best back massages, which is good cause my back gets sore a lot. Although they aren't really back massages as much as back "digging thumbs into the sore parts with as muach pressure as possible" because I don't really have that much feeling in my back.
7. What's most important -- strong in mind or body?
Mind obviously. Though if someone was equally both they'd probably be very popular.
8. What time do you wake up in the morning?
Weekdays: 6.30. Weekends: Well yesterday I was up 9, and then today I got up at 11. It really depends on what I have to do.
9. What's your favourite kitchen appliance?
Hmm....Probably the oven cause that's where I cook cakes and cookies and stuff.
10. What makes you really angry?
People who make other people upset. And don't care.
11. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
Oh don't even get me started on this one....there's a very long list! But my *next* instrument would be the trumpet, then trombone, then bassoon, oboe, all saxaphones (cause they wouldn't be too hard), ooh tuba! and euphonium! and...sigh there are so many things I wish I could do.
12. Favourite colour?
13. Which do you prefer? Sports car or SUV?
Neither. I like little cute cars...
14. Do you believe in the afterlife?
mm, something like that.
15. Favourite children's book?
Oh i used to love all the Enid Blyton books, like the magic wishing chair and the faraway tree. *sigh* good old times.
16. What is your favourite season?
Winter. Cause it's so much easier to warm up than cool down. AND my birthday is in it. AND it's a snuggly season.
17. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Umm....hmm that's a hard one. Flying would be cool cause I hate travelling.
18. If you have a tattoo, what is it?
NO WAY. I can't even stand injections, let alone 15millionthousand little needles poking into you all at once!!!!!!
19. Can you juggle?
Yep! Darsha tought me.
20. The one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to?
Umm...most of my family is still alive, only my great grandmother died when I was about 8. Umm...I don't really have anyone.
21. What's your favourite day?
Hmm...Friday I think. Last day of school, clarinet ensemble and lesson, etc etc etc. It was a toss up between that and Tuesday, cause tuesday is my musically packed day!
22. What's in the trunk of your car?
Err...carpet. Quite possibly my bowls bag.
23. Which do you prefer? Sushi or hamburger?
ummm...I wouldn't *choose* either....chicken burger?
24. From the people you will email this to, who's most likely to respond first?
no email involved.
25. Who's least likely to respond?
Someone who doesn't see it.
26. Who did you receive this from?
27. What is your favourite cartoon?
Kim Possible
28. Whats your favourite food?
Er...chicken snitzchel and roast veggies that my mum makes in the oven....YUM
29. If you could choose only 2 fantasy servants, who would they be?(chauffeur/gardener/cook/masseuse/other)
Umm...maid because I'd hope we'd get along really well and everything. And....gardner because that'd be cool and they wouldn't have to do much ^.^
1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be?
Erm...probably Canberra. I dunno I like Canberra! And I'd rather jsut travel even if it was for long periods of time, but always be able to come back her to my family and Canberra's really comfy.
2. What's your favourite article of clothing?
Shoes, definitely. *waves flag*
3. Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex?
I i think. Boys have such cool hair...*sigh* I'm getting mine cut on Wednesday.
4. The last cd you bought?
Happy Feet Soundtrack I believe.
5. Where's your least favourite place to be?
Hmmm hard one. I don't like complete darkness..actually let's change that: a rollercoaster. I hate them!
6. What's your favourite place to be massaged?
My dad does the best back massages, which is good cause my back gets sore a lot. Although they aren't really back massages as much as back "digging thumbs into the sore parts with as muach pressure as possible" because I don't really have that much feeling in my back.
7. What's most important -- strong in mind or body?
Mind obviously. Though if someone was equally both they'd probably be very popular.
8. What time do you wake up in the morning?
Weekdays: 6.30. Weekends: Well yesterday I was up 9, and then today I got up at 11. It really depends on what I have to do.
9. What's your favourite kitchen appliance?
Hmm....Probably the oven cause that's where I cook cakes and cookies and stuff.
10. What makes you really angry?
People who make other people upset. And don't care.
11. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
Oh don't even get me started on this one....there's a very long list! But my *next* instrument would be the trumpet, then trombone, then bassoon, oboe, all saxaphones (cause they wouldn't be too hard), ooh tuba! and euphonium! and...sigh there are so many things I wish I could do.
12. Favourite colour?
13. Which do you prefer? Sports car or SUV?
Neither. I like little cute cars...
14. Do you believe in the afterlife?
mm, something like that.
15. Favourite children's book?
Oh i used to love all the Enid Blyton books, like the magic wishing chair and the faraway tree. *sigh* good old times.
16. What is your favourite season?
Winter. Cause it's so much easier to warm up than cool down. AND my birthday is in it. AND it's a snuggly season.
17. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Umm....hmm that's a hard one. Flying would be cool cause I hate travelling.
18. If you have a tattoo, what is it?
NO WAY. I can't even stand injections, let alone 15millionthousand little needles poking into you all at once!!!!!!
19. Can you juggle?
Yep! Darsha tought me.
20. The one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to?
Umm...most of my family is still alive, only my great grandmother died when I was about 8. Umm...I don't really have anyone.
21. What's your favourite day?
Hmm...Friday I think. Last day of school, clarinet ensemble and lesson, etc etc etc. It was a toss up between that and Tuesday, cause tuesday is my musically packed day!
22. What's in the trunk of your car?
Err...carpet. Quite possibly my bowls bag.
23. Which do you prefer? Sushi or hamburger?
ummm...I wouldn't *choose* either....chicken burger?
24. From the people you will email this to, who's most likely to respond first?
no email involved.
25. Who's least likely to respond?
Someone who doesn't see it.
26. Who did you receive this from?
27. What is your favourite cartoon?
Kim Possible
28. Whats your favourite food?
Er...chicken snitzchel and roast veggies that my mum makes in the oven....YUM
29. If you could choose only 2 fantasy servants, who would they be?(chauffeur/gardener/cook/masseuse/other)
Umm...maid because I'd hope we'd get along really well and everything. And....gardner because that'd be cool and they wouldn't have to do much ^.^
More CDS
Best of Prince, Beach Boys, Elvis
U218 sounds good.
A really cheesy one with all the silly 90s funky boppy songs like backstreet and vengaboys and S club and all those sorts of things~!
The Fray: How to save a life (i just like that song and it doesn't look too bad)
Snow Patrol is apparently too amazing for words.
Eskimo Joe could be good too!
An 80s party mix CD ^.^ (then I'll make you all suffer it)
I've been downloading stuff all day. We're gonna have fun!!!!!!
Love Sa
U218 sounds good.
A really cheesy one with all the silly 90s funky boppy songs like backstreet and vengaboys and S club and all those sorts of things~!
The Fray: How to save a life (i just like that song and it doesn't look too bad)
Snow Patrol is apparently too amazing for words.
Eskimo Joe could be good too!
An 80s party mix CD ^.^ (then I'll make you all suffer it)
I've been downloading stuff all day. We're gonna have fun!!!!!!
Love Sa
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Public Apology
This is just to say sorry to Bradley.
I didn't mean to upset you with your little cartoon, it was meant to be a joke. I've heard you're a bit upset with me...
Sorry Brad. Don't forget John Lemon!
I didn't mean to upset you with your little cartoon, it was meant to be a joke. I've heard you're a bit upset with me...
Sorry Brad. Don't forget John Lemon!
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Hi, It's been a while!
Hey guys! I know it's been a very long time since I actually wrote anything! But I'm not going to catch you up too much, just try and find some interesting things to put on this entry.
Oh btw, I've decided what i'd like to do when I go to uni, Bachelor of Asian Studies/Bachelor of Music. It'll be fun, but I'm sure it will be hard work!
Anyway! How about some cool stuff! Oh I know. My nan bought me this really pretty locket for my birthday....I really want to put a picture of it up but I can't find one! So you'll just have to wait till my birthday so I can show you all! It's very pretty though! And I got a cute purple dress, like it's bright purple! But I can't have it till my birthday so maybe I'll wear it out for my birthday dinner!
Lots of people ask me me what I'd like for my birthday so I decided to make a list on here gradually over the days as I think of things. There're lots of CDs I'd like: a "very best of" - Elvis and The Beach Boys, Mika wouldn't be too bad either. There's this really cute teddy bear in the quilting shop in Tuggies and it's a panda bear called Ting and it's been there for like years and I've always wanted it....sigh it's very cute. So if someone wants to get me something and is willing to spend more than $10 on me (which is okay if you're not!!!) then you could go have a look there. Tuggies is really the place to be. You guys that never go to tuggies don't know what you're missing out on~! GO TO TUGGERS RIGHT NOW! Just go and have a shop! They have the cutest clothes and stuff there anyway! Geeeeez.
Anyway that'll do for now. I don't really know what I want. I like things that are jokey and made and photos are nice and I'd rather jsut have fun with us all around. I need to get a small and usable digital camera for my party (yay that's going to be so much fun!!!!)
I'll post again later I should be doing composition/musicology folio.
Love Always Sa ^.^
A picture for your thoughts (so cute! the world's smallest teddy bear!!! I think it's 5mm tall)
Oh btw, I've decided what i'd like to do when I go to uni, Bachelor of Asian Studies/Bachelor of Music. It'll be fun, but I'm sure it will be hard work!
Anyway! How about some cool stuff! Oh I know. My nan bought me this really pretty locket for my birthday....I really want to put a picture of it up but I can't find one! So you'll just have to wait till my birthday so I can show you all! It's very pretty though! And I got a cute purple dress, like it's bright purple! But I can't have it till my birthday so maybe I'll wear it out for my birthday dinner!
Lots of people ask me me what I'd like for my birthday so I decided to make a list on here gradually over the days as I think of things. There're lots of CDs I'd like: a "very best of" - Elvis and The Beach Boys, Mika wouldn't be too bad either. There's this really cute teddy bear in the quilting shop in Tuggies and it's a panda bear called Ting and it's been there for like years and I've always wanted it....sigh it's very cute. So if someone wants to get me something and is willing to spend more than $10 on me (which is okay if you're not!!!) then you could go have a look there. Tuggies is really the place to be. You guys that never go to tuggies don't know what you're missing out on~! GO TO TUGGERS RIGHT NOW! Just go and have a shop! They have the cutest clothes and stuff there anyway! Geeeeez.
Anyway that'll do for now. I don't really know what I want. I like things that are jokey and made and photos are nice and I'd rather jsut have fun with us all around. I need to get a small and usable digital camera for my party (yay that's going to be so much fun!!!!)
I'll post again later I should be doing composition/musicology folio.
Love Always Sa ^.^
A picture for your thoughts (so cute! the world's smallest teddy bear!!! I think it's 5mm tall)

Sunday, 20 May 2007
Today was a very nice day. Actually it started at about 8pm last night, when Darsha and I went to see Spiderman was an okay movie, but it was really long...almost 2 and a half hours, and it's only a SEQUEL!!! Anyway, in the morning my mum and I went shopping and to Goodberries and had these nice chocolate fudge brownie sundaes that they put in big glasses like real sundaes, not like the pretend plastic ones. And then Darsha came over adn we watched Happy Feet and made a caramel slice. Then....i slept on the couch for a while cause I was tired and then went to give Darsha a bit of the caramel slice we made (we had to wait till it set before we could cut it up.)
Then I came home and watched Chasers, cause I missed it on Wednesday, and the replay on Friday, but it's on ABC2 on Sunday's at 8.30 for a second replay, so I got to watch it tonight. But I also subscribed to the podcast thign so I can watch it on my computer after it's been aired. It was pretty funny actually. I reckon John Howard does really well when the "target" him, he does pretty well. The Sheik guy got really angry at them amazingly angry.
Anyway! The nice weekend is over, so I think I had better go and listen to music adn savour what's left...
Love Sa ^.^
Then I came home and watched Chasers, cause I missed it on Wednesday, and the replay on Friday, but it's on ABC2 on Sunday's at 8.30 for a second replay, so I got to watch it tonight. But I also subscribed to the podcast thign so I can watch it on my computer after it's been aired. It was pretty funny actually. I reckon John Howard does really well when the "target" him, he does pretty well. The Sheik guy got really angry at them amazingly angry.
Anyway! The nice weekend is over, so I think I had better go and listen to music adn savour what's left...
Love Sa ^.^
Thursday, 17 May 2007
somebody send me a big hug, cause i've had a shitty day...let me rephrase that...a shitty month.
in completely unrelated news: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUDDLES!!!!
love sa
Funeral Blues
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
-- W.H. Auden
in completely unrelated news: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUDDLES!!!!
love sa
Funeral Blues
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
-- W.H. Auden
Monday, 14 May 2007
I want to be six again...
I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult. I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of a six year old again. I want to go to McDonald's and think that it's a four star restaurant. I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make ripples with rocks. I want to think M&Ms are better than money, because you can eat them. I want to play kickball during recess and paint with watercolors in art. I want to lie under a big oak tree and run a lemonade stand with my friends on a hot summers' day.
I want to return to a time when life was simple. When all you knew were colors, addition tables and simple nursery rhymes, but that didn't bother you, because you didn't know what you didn't know and you didn't care. When all you knew was to be happy because you didn't know all the things that should make you worried and upset. I want to think that the world is fair. That everyone in it is honest and good. I want to believe that anything is possible.
Somewhere in my youth...I matured and I learned too much. I learned of nuclear weapons, war, prejudice, starvation and abused children. I learned of lies, unhappy marriages, suffering, illness, pain and death. I learned of a world where men left their families to go and fight for our country, and returned only to end up living on the streets...begging for their next meal. I learned of a world where children knew how to kill...and did!!
What happened to the time when we thought that everyone would live forever, because we didn't grasp the concept of death? When we thought the worst thing in the world was if someone took the jump rope from you or picked you last for kickball? I want to be oblivious to the complexity of life and be overly excited by little things once again. I want to return to the days when reading was fun and music was clean. When television was used to report the news or for family entertainment and not to promote sex, violence and deceit. I remember being naive and thinking that everyone was happy because I was. I would walk on the beach and only think of the sand between my toes and the prettiest seashell I could find. I would spend my afternoons climbing trees and riding my bike. I didn't worry about time, bills or where I was going to find the money to fix my car. I used to wonder what I was going to do or be when I grew up, not worry about what I'll do if this doesn't work out.
I want to live simple again. I don't want my day to consist of computer crashes, mountains of paperwork, depressing news, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip, illness and loss of loved ones. I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace, dreams, the imagination, mankind and making angels in the snow.
I want to be six again.
yeah it's a quote from somewhere, thanks to darsha for finding it *hugs*
I want to return to a time when life was simple. When all you knew were colors, addition tables and simple nursery rhymes, but that didn't bother you, because you didn't know what you didn't know and you didn't care. When all you knew was to be happy because you didn't know all the things that should make you worried and upset. I want to think that the world is fair. That everyone in it is honest and good. I want to believe that anything is possible.
Somewhere in my youth...I matured and I learned too much. I learned of nuclear weapons, war, prejudice, starvation and abused children. I learned of lies, unhappy marriages, suffering, illness, pain and death. I learned of a world where men left their families to go and fight for our country, and returned only to end up living on the streets...begging for their next meal. I learned of a world where children knew how to kill...and did!!
What happened to the time when we thought that everyone would live forever, because we didn't grasp the concept of death? When we thought the worst thing in the world was if someone took the jump rope from you or picked you last for kickball? I want to be oblivious to the complexity of life and be overly excited by little things once again. I want to return to the days when reading was fun and music was clean. When television was used to report the news or for family entertainment and not to promote sex, violence and deceit. I remember being naive and thinking that everyone was happy because I was. I would walk on the beach and only think of the sand between my toes and the prettiest seashell I could find. I would spend my afternoons climbing trees and riding my bike. I didn't worry about time, bills or where I was going to find the money to fix my car. I used to wonder what I was going to do or be when I grew up, not worry about what I'll do if this doesn't work out.
I want to live simple again. I don't want my day to consist of computer crashes, mountains of paperwork, depressing news, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip, illness and loss of loved ones. I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace, dreams, the imagination, mankind and making angels in the snow.
I want to be six again.
yeah it's a quote from somewhere, thanks to darsha for finding it *hugs*
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Additions to my blog
So i added a music bar thingy to my blog. Not to bad really! I'll change the song every now and then when I decide I need a change of pace.
Tommorrow is Thursday...and I'm starting to get sick, which sucks quite a bit. Yeah I don't have much mroe to write'll write somethign later if I think of it...
Love Sa ^.^
Tommorrow is Thursday...and I'm starting to get sick, which sucks quite a bit. Yeah I don't have much mroe to write'll write somethign later if I think of it...
Love Sa ^.^
Monday, 7 May 2007
Sesame Street
You Are Ernie |
Playful and childlike, you are everyone's favorite friend - even if your goofy antics get annoying at times. You are usually feeling: Amused - you are very easily entertained You are famous for: Always making people smile. From your silly songs to your wild pranks, you keep things fun. How you life your life: With ease. Life is only difficult when your friends won't play with you! |
Hey guys!
long time no see, I changed my template to a normal one, I think it's sorta cute anyway!
So I was listening to my music today according to my most played songs, and I have pretty eclectic taste...Here's what I heard...
There's my top 30 listened to songs...on a playlist, but I just kept getting repeated bands on general music so I chose a playlist to make it special, and more obvious. I'm a confused child hey? ^.^
So! I'm so excited about my birthday party! Yay! I finally decided what I'm going to do, it'll be fun! We're going to dinner at Sammy's Kitchen (or some such other chinese banquet style place) and then sleeping over at my house! Yay! And it hasn't been as hard as I expected to convice people to come! ^.^
Anyway! That's all.
Love Sa
long time no see, I changed my template to a normal one, I think it's sorta cute anyway!
So I was listening to my music today according to my most played songs, and I have pretty eclectic taste...Here's what I heard...
- Vertigo - U2
- I Don't Feel Like Dancin' - Scissor Sisters
- Have a Nice Day - Bon Jovi
- Signed, Sealed Delivered - Human Nature
- Rock This Party - Bob Sinclair
- 99 Red Balloons- Goldfinger
- Beautiful Day - U2
- Days Like These - Cat Empire (Then a few more Cat Empire)
- Pump It - Black Eyed Peas
- Living on a Prayer - Bon Jovi
- Yellow - Coldplay
- Sin Sin Sin - Robbie Williams
- Speed of Sound - Coldplay
- Boogie Wonderland - Earth, Wind and Fire
- I Just Wanna Live - Good Charlotee
- Pacific Island Music - Def Tech
- Stop! In the Name of Love - Human Nature
- I Want it All - Queen
- Aint No Other Man - Christina Agulera (I dunno how to spell that)
- Catch My Disease - Ben Lee
- 君の名を呼びたい - Taki and Someone...can't remember the name
- Clocks - Coldplay
- お願い!セニョリータ - ORANGE RANGE
- Heaven - DJ Sammy
- Just Want You To Know - Backstreet Boys
There's my top 30 listened to songs...on a playlist, but I just kept getting repeated bands on general music so I chose a playlist to make it special, and more obvious. I'm a confused child hey? ^.^
So! I'm so excited about my birthday party! Yay! I finally decided what I'm going to do, it'll be fun! We're going to dinner at Sammy's Kitchen (or some such other chinese banquet style place) and then sleeping over at my house! Yay! And it hasn't been as hard as I expected to convice people to come! ^.^
Anyway! That's all.
Love Sa
Sunday, 29 April 2007
candy heart ^w^
Your Candy Heart Says "First Kiss" |
You're a true romantic who brings an innocent hope to each new relationship. You see the good in every person you date, and you relish each step of falling in love. Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a romantic dinner your sweetie cooks for you Your flirting style: friendly and sweet What turns you off: cynics who don't believe in romance Why you're hot: you always keep the romance alive |
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
No posting for a while
yeahyeah, I know, i didn't post about any of the exciting things that happened.
They were exciting.
Yay! Yeah sorry I'm feeling lazy :p
But I think it's time to change my skin again!!!
Maybe i'll try a cute navigating one........
Love Sa ^w^
They were exciting.
Yay! Yeah sorry I'm feeling lazy :p
But I think it's time to change my skin again!!!
Maybe i'll try a cute navigating one........
Love Sa ^w^
Sunday, 15 April 2007
Hey guys!
Hey hey!
I'm bored....
Wii is really cool btw, did you know? Tika brought his to Darsha's yesterday, I'm absolutely terrible at it....I was the only girl surrounded by nerdy boys who play games all the time to be fair...but it was fun! ^w^ Darsha's party was pretty fun in the end! I was expecting it to be of course, but it was, even though Rob, Tika, Snoopy, Wein and I were the only people who went.That's good in some ways though ^w^
Anyways! I have to do some cleaning and rearranging today...but I haven't started that yet cause I'm bored...........and lazy. I'll wait till Darsh comes over and make him help me *heeheehee*
I'll go find a nice video and put it on here instead I think! Hehe, it's the Mango Song! Rob and Tika are pretty obsessed with this....
Have fun with that guys!
love Sa^w^
I'm bored....
Wii is really cool btw, did you know? Tika brought his to Darsha's yesterday, I'm absolutely terrible at it....I was the only girl surrounded by nerdy boys who play games all the time to be fair...but it was fun! ^w^ Darsha's party was pretty fun in the end! I was expecting it to be of course, but it was, even though Rob, Tika, Snoopy, Wein and I were the only people who went.That's good in some ways though ^w^
Anyways! I have to do some cleaning and rearranging today...but I haven't started that yet cause I'm bored...........and lazy. I'll wait till Darsh comes over and make him help me *heeheehee*
I'll go find a nice video and put it on here instead I think! Hehe, it's the Mango Song! Rob and Tika are pretty obsessed with this....
Have fun with that guys!
love Sa^w^
Quiz thingo
:: Blue is anger ::
1. Are you currently mad at someone?
Nope! I'm very happy at the moment ^w^
2. Which of your family members has the worst temper?
Probably dunno, we're all pretty equal. I get mad the most often, but i don't tell them...mum get's annoyed quite a bit.
3.Have you ever thrown something at anyone?
Umm....i don't think so...other than paper at Shyam...(HE STARTED IT!!!)
4. Is anyone mad at you?
I don't think so....
5. Are you usually mad?
Umm...when something unfair or bad happens maybe
6. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell?
:: Orange is excitement ::
1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you?
Yep! Darsha and Lulu and peeps gave me one last year for my birthday ^w^
2. What event is coming up that you're most excited about?
Today at Darsha's house...and the girls sleeping over tomorrow!!!
3. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
" this for real? YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"
4. If you could have anything right now what would it be?
Wake Darsha up *smiles evilly*....nah just kidding. Talk to Uru-chan or Shrubi....make it later in the day so I was doing something instead of waiting for stuff to happen. Oh if I could have anything? How about the million dollars in the previous question? ^.^
:: Yellow is self-discovery ::
1.Your name:
2. Birthday:
30th June
3. What is your main goal in life?
To keep on living
4. Do you want to have children?
5.When do you want to die?
In old age preferably. After I've done everything I want to do, get to see my children do what they want to do, and hopeefully see my grandchildren be just amazingly cute. And spoil them...hehehe
:: Green is opinions ::
1. Are you against gay marriage?
Nope, not really!
2. Lower the drinking age?
Nah...the drinking age limit is there for a reasons and all that. If idiots want to go out and be alcoholics at the age of 15, they can go do that! They're just stupid for not realising how much damage it's doing to them. People who drink underage at parties and whatnot every now and then aren't the idiots I'm talking about, by the way.
4. Abortion?
I would never be able to have an abortion, but I don't have anythign against other people who want to have one.
:: Red is love ::
1. Do you love someone?
Yes! I love lotsa people!
2. Do you miss your ex ?
Lalala...I don't think you could really count my "ex" as and ex...
3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sure, it's sounds nice and romantic and happy and all that.
4. Do you believe in love?
Of course! "Love lifts us up where we belong"!
:: Pink is Life ::
The last...
1. Person you saw:
In order: Mum, Ainslee, Mum, Dad, Darsha, Darsha's mum, Shyam, Ramana, Darsha's dad, Simba.
2. Person you sent a text message to:
Soon I think actually. I was stalking him in Deakin...hehehe
3. Movie watched in cinema:
Er...Happy Feet!!!!!!! OMG has that movie come out yet? I need to go and buy it right now. right
4. Song you listened to:
Sheryl Crowe was jsut on the TV downstairs, that one that's like I just want to have fun...but not the Cindi Lauper one. I can't remember what it's called. "All I wanna do" (I'll take that as my guess)
5. Person talked to on the phone:
Pam, my lovely bowls manager!
:: Grey is Today ::
1. what are you doing right now?
Er...this thing...just about to take ainslee to get bread.
2. What are you doing tonight?
It's my cousin's 20th birthday! So we're going to the Southern Cross Club for dinner
3. What are you going to eat?
Breakfast soon! Somethign with bread I assume.....
Hehee that was fun!
Gotta go now though!
Love Sa^w^
1. Are you currently mad at someone?
Nope! I'm very happy at the moment ^w^
2. Which of your family members has the worst temper?
Probably dunno, we're all pretty equal. I get mad the most often, but i don't tell them...mum get's annoyed quite a bit.
3.Have you ever thrown something at anyone?
Umm....i don't think so...other than paper at Shyam...(HE STARTED IT!!!)
4. Is anyone mad at you?
I don't think so....
5. Are you usually mad?
Umm...when something unfair or bad happens maybe
6. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell?
:: Orange is excitement ::
1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you?
Yep! Darsha and Lulu and peeps gave me one last year for my birthday ^w^
2. What event is coming up that you're most excited about?
Today at Darsha's house...and the girls sleeping over tomorrow!!!
3. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
" this for real? YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"
4. If you could have anything right now what would it be?
Wake Darsha up *smiles evilly*....nah just kidding. Talk to Uru-chan or Shrubi....make it later in the day so I was doing something instead of waiting for stuff to happen. Oh if I could have anything? How about the million dollars in the previous question? ^.^
:: Yellow is self-discovery ::
1.Your name:
2. Birthday:
30th June
3. What is your main goal in life?
To keep on living
4. Do you want to have children?
5.When do you want to die?
In old age preferably. After I've done everything I want to do, get to see my children do what they want to do, and hopeefully see my grandchildren be just amazingly cute. And spoil them...hehehe
:: Green is opinions ::
1. Are you against gay marriage?
Nope, not really!
2. Lower the drinking age?
Nah...the drinking age limit is there for a reasons and all that. If idiots want to go out and be alcoholics at the age of 15, they can go do that! They're just stupid for not realising how much damage it's doing to them. People who drink underage at parties and whatnot every now and then aren't the idiots I'm talking about, by the way.
4. Abortion?
I would never be able to have an abortion, but I don't have anythign against other people who want to have one.
:: Red is love ::
1. Do you love someone?
Yes! I love lotsa people!
2. Do you miss your ex ?
Lalala...I don't think you could really count my "ex" as and ex...
3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sure, it's sounds nice and romantic and happy and all that.
4. Do you believe in love?
Of course! "Love lifts us up where we belong"!
:: Pink is Life ::
The last...
1. Person you saw:
In order: Mum, Ainslee, Mum, Dad, Darsha, Darsha's mum, Shyam, Ramana, Darsha's dad, Simba.
2. Person you sent a text message to:
Soon I think actually. I was stalking him in Deakin...hehehe
3. Movie watched in cinema:
Er...Happy Feet!!!!!!! OMG has that movie come out yet? I need to go and buy it right now. right
4. Song you listened to:
Sheryl Crowe was jsut on the TV downstairs, that one that's like I just want to have fun...but not the Cindi Lauper one. I can't remember what it's called. "All I wanna do" (I'll take that as my guess)
5. Person talked to on the phone:
Pam, my lovely bowls manager!
:: Grey is Today ::
1. what are you doing right now?
Er...this thing...just about to take ainslee to get bread.
2. What are you doing tonight?
It's my cousin's 20th birthday! So we're going to the Southern Cross Club for dinner
3. What are you going to eat?
Breakfast soon! Somethign with bread I assume.....
Hehee that was fun!
Gotta go now though!
Love Sa^w^
Saturday, 14 April 2007
New Skin Again
The other one was annoying me cause I couldn't get into any editing stuff or anything! So, I changed it again. But at least it's nice and colourful.
First day of the holidays: Good so far! Everyone left the house except me. And I went to Woden for a little while, bought some of those multi-coloured texta pens (so cute!) and got some passport photos done because my application is due tomorrow for the rotary exchange! But the photos look pretty bad....*sigh*...I can't help being unphotogenic!
Anyway then I came home and tried to start making a teddy cept the fur is so amazingly thick I broke 4 needles in half and hour! So i stopped doing that. We have to go buy some EXTRA TOUGH needles so I can finish it. It's a really cute colour though, sorta like a caramel...golden browny colour. A bit like Winnie the Pooh!
I saw Hobitto-chan today too! She works at the arts and craft store at Woden so it was nice to see her again and catch up!
The rest of my day was spent lazing around doing far ^.^ Watching the Prestige again later tonight with Darsh...when he comes home from the wedding thing -_-"...jokes ^w^
Anyways! I'll probably post about the other bit of my day sometime later tonight if i'm not too busy/tired/all of the above.
Bon Voyage to Shrubi! Miss you lots! Tell us allllll about it.
Love Always,
Sa ^w^
First day of the holidays: Good so far! Everyone left the house except me. And I went to Woden for a little while, bought some of those multi-coloured texta pens (so cute!) and got some passport photos done because my application is due tomorrow for the rotary exchange! But the photos look pretty bad....*sigh*...I can't help being unphotogenic!
Anyway then I came home and tried to start making a teddy cept the fur is so amazingly thick I broke 4 needles in half and hour! So i stopped doing that. We have to go buy some EXTRA TOUGH needles so I can finish it. It's a really cute colour though, sorta like a caramel...golden browny colour. A bit like Winnie the Pooh!
I saw Hobitto-chan today too! She works at the arts and craft store at Woden so it was nice to see her again and catch up!
The rest of my day was spent lazing around doing far ^.^ Watching the Prestige again later tonight with Darsh...when he comes home from the wedding thing -_-"...jokes ^w^
Anyways! I'll probably post about the other bit of my day sometime later tonight if i'm not too busy/tired/all of the above.
Bon Voyage to Shrubi! Miss you lots! Tell us allllll about it.
Love Always,
Sa ^w^
Friday, 13 April 2007
New skin?
So what do you all think? I think it's pretty cute! My only problem is there's no blogger bar thing at the top so i have to navigate in a roundabout way. But it's still cute!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Friday the 13th!
Sorry I'm tired so I won't write much.
See you later!!!
Love Sa
Happy Holidays!
Happy Friday the 13th!
Sorry I'm tired so I won't write much.
See you later!!!
Love Sa
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Are You Watching Closely...?
Hehe so I'm watching "The Prestige" again, sigh, I love it. It's a really good movie. You should all go watch it right now!!!
Only 2 more days till holidays!! And I don't have any more work for these two days since my creative task was due on Friday and then everyone complained because they're too lazy to have done their work and so it got moved to the first day of the holidays...meh i don't really mind that much because I have already mostly finished. (^w^)ツ
Omg, i just got shivers again cause it's sooo sad! His wife just died.... (-_-)"'s a really interesting movie. Go watch it right now. Anyways! I don't have a lot to say. Umm, Vonne came and visited us at school today. It was pretty nice to see her. She looks just like she used to. Which isn't that amazing considered she only left last year.
Anyways. Ooh I know. I'll make it beefier by putting one of my poems on here. I think it's quite nice It's based on Shakespeare's Sonnet 18: "Shall I Compare Thee..." •^.^•
Shall I Compare Thee...?
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
...Or an autumn...or a winter?
And would you still compare to stormy day in spring?
Methinks you would.
Thou art more lovely and more temperate than most days of summer or winter:
Those are the extreme months with overbearing heat or unbearable cold.
Methinks it is more realistic to compare you to an autumn's day.
Thou art as lovely and as temperate.
And like the autumn leaves which turn brown and fall to the ground,
And are trodden on by passers-by,
You will grow old and your beauty will fall,
And people will pass by you with no more than a sideways glance.
Is this the nature of beauty and of life?
It will happen to everyone, child, husband and wife.
Whatdya think? It's my attempt at a Modernist poem. For my creative task. Yay (^w^)ツ*
Anyways. I'll leave you all alone now!
Love Sa (ºoº)ソ
Only 2 more days till holidays!! And I don't have any more work for these two days since my creative task was due on Friday and then everyone complained because they're too lazy to have done their work and so it got moved to the first day of the holidays...meh i don't really mind that much because I have already mostly finished. (^w^)ツ
Omg, i just got shivers again cause it's sooo sad! His wife just died.... (-_-)"'s a really interesting movie. Go watch it right now. Anyways! I don't have a lot to say. Umm, Vonne came and visited us at school today. It was pretty nice to see her. She looks just like she used to. Which isn't that amazing considered she only left last year.
Anyways. Ooh I know. I'll make it beefier by putting one of my poems on here. I think it's quite nice It's based on Shakespeare's Sonnet 18: "Shall I Compare Thee..." •^.^•
Shall I Compare Thee...?
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
...Or an autumn...or a winter?
And would you still compare to stormy day in spring?
Methinks you would.
Thou art more lovely and more temperate than most days of summer or winter:
Those are the extreme months with overbearing heat or unbearable cold.
Methinks it is more realistic to compare you to an autumn's day.
Thou art as lovely and as temperate.
And like the autumn leaves which turn brown and fall to the ground,
And are trodden on by passers-by,
You will grow old and your beauty will fall,
And people will pass by you with no more than a sideways glance.
Is this the nature of beauty and of life?
It will happen to everyone, child, husband and wife.
Whatdya think? It's my attempt at a Modernist poem. For my creative task. Yay (^w^)ツ*
Anyways. I'll leave you all alone now!
Love Sa (ºoº)ソ
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
Cute piccies~!
Monday, 9 April 2007
Sunday, 8 April 2007
Happy Easter Everyone!
Hi guys! Happy Easter!!!!! How was your day? Mine was good, the usual running around Canberra, gradually accumulating easter eggs and eating...a....LOT!!!
OMG i just watched "The Prestige". It's really good! You guys should watch it! Nice twistyness.....
Yeah sorry, once again I don't have a lot to write, because I have to finish my english creative tonight and do research on my film oral. I should probably have a look at my other english creative at some point too....hmm........
Love you!
Sa ^w^
OMG i just watched "The Prestige". It's really good! You guys should watch it! Nice twistyness.....
Yeah sorry, once again I don't have a lot to write, because I have to finish my english creative tonight and do research on my film oral. I should probably have a look at my other english creative at some point too....hmm........
Love you!
Sa ^w^
Saturday, 7 April 2007
I Will Always Love You ~ Whitney Houston
If I should stay,
I would only be in your way.
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you ev'ry step of the way.
And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
You, my darling you. Hmm.
Bittersweet memories
that is all I'm taking with me.
So, goodbye. Please, don't cry.
We both know I'm not what you, you need.
And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
(Instrumental solo)
I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of.
And I wish to you, joy and happiness.
But above all this, I wish you love.
And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I, I will always love you.
You, darling, I love you.
Ooh, I'll always, I'll always love you.
I just heard this song today and i think it's really pretty....
Love Sa ^.^
If I should stay,
I would only be in your way.
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you ev'ry step of the way.
And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
You, my darling you. Hmm.
Bittersweet memories
that is all I'm taking with me.
So, goodbye. Please, don't cry.
We both know I'm not what you, you need.
And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
(Instrumental solo)
I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of.
And I wish to you, joy and happiness.
But above all this, I wish you love.
And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I, I will always love you.
You, darling, I love you.
Ooh, I'll always, I'll always love you.
I just heard this song today and i think it's really pretty....
Love Sa ^.^
Friday, 6 April 2007
Long Day....
Hey guys,
Well it was fun but it was a long day. We went ice skating this morning (me, Darsha, Lulu, Ian, Jess and Yuka) and that was fun but it was pretty cold and it got a bit boring after a while...dunno why. Then we went back to Darsha's and did a range of, eating, cards, sporty things, carrom....and then darsha came back to my house before we went to Cirque du Soleil.....OMG MOST AMAZING THING I'VE EVER SEEN! I'm in love....!!!!!!!! You have no idea how good it was. So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so GOOD! Well worth the money so if you think you can't really be botehred to spend that much money, you're amazingly stupid....go right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway! That's about all for today...sorry for being short...I'm pretty tired though.
Circus....GOOD! (don't ever forget that)
Love Sa ^w^
Well it was fun but it was a long day. We went ice skating this morning (me, Darsha, Lulu, Ian, Jess and Yuka) and that was fun but it was pretty cold and it got a bit boring after a while...dunno why. Then we went back to Darsha's and did a range of, eating, cards, sporty things, carrom....and then darsha came back to my house before we went to Cirque du Soleil.....OMG MOST AMAZING THING I'VE EVER SEEN! I'm in love....!!!!!!!! You have no idea how good it was. So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so GOOD! Well worth the money so if you think you can't really be botehred to spend that much money, you're amazingly stupid....go right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway! That's about all for today...sorry for being short...I'm pretty tired though.
Circus....GOOD! (don't ever forget that)
Love Sa ^w^
Thursday, 5 April 2007
First post!
I got a real blog!!!!!
Yeah! I'm cool. How cute is my name! Umbrella Sa Cute ^w^?!~ I need to make a header that has little umbrellas in it with little raindrops. It's really quite cute. I'm proud of my imagination.
Anyway! Happy Easter for the weekend everyone! I hope you guys have lots of good plans! I'm going ice skating tomorrow and to the circus in the evening with my family and darsha. Everyone who's seen it says it's amazing so i can't wait!!!
I've recently got quite into drawing comics....dunno why, i can't draw, but it's pretty cute anyhow. This is a really cute comic though, I found it on the net. I DIDN'T DRAW IT! Go to to see more of this sorta stuff. Anyway I thought this one was really cute. If you can't read the writing it says: "Sorry you don't have a heart" ... AWWW! So amazingly cute!!!

Well that's all!!! I'll try and spend my night making this blog look interesting.
Love Always,
Yeah! I'm cool. How cute is my name! Umbrella Sa Cute ^w^?!~ I need to make a header that has little umbrellas in it with little raindrops. It's really quite cute. I'm proud of my imagination.
Anyway! Happy Easter for the weekend everyone! I hope you guys have lots of good plans! I'm going ice skating tomorrow and to the circus in the evening with my family and darsha. Everyone who's seen it says it's amazing so i can't wait!!!
I've recently got quite into drawing comics....dunno why, i can't draw, but it's pretty cute anyhow. This is a really cute comic though, I found it on the net. I DIDN'T DRAW IT! Go to to see more of this sorta stuff. Anyway I thought this one was really cute. If you can't read the writing it says: "Sorry you don't have a heart" ... AWWW! So amazingly cute!!!

Well that's all!!! I'll try and spend my night making this blog look interesting.
Love Always,
Btw....I'm going to have major troubles keeping the same skin for more than maybe...a week...for the first little while anyway. So...make the most of them while they're up!!!
Love Sa ^w^
Love Sa ^w^
Hope nobody minds me posting this...I just feel in a very huggy mood at the moment. *HUGS TO EVERYONE!!!*
7 Different Ways of Spelling Your Name
I: The feeling of snuggling into bed on a cold winter night, or after coming home from a long holiday;
II: A Db Major tonic chord in the 2nd inversion;
III: The satisfaction of finishing a book, especially one where everything is explained in the last few pages;
IV: Hearing your favourite song and turning it up to full volume, especially when you’re feeling a bit down;
V: Getting into a nice, warm shower first thing in the morning, usually in winter;
VI: Drinking hot honey and lemon when your throat is so sore you can hardly speak;
VII: Seeing your favourite person in the whole world happy, and knowing that you’re their favourite person too.
7 Different Ways of Spelling Your Name
I: The feeling of snuggling into bed on a cold winter night, or after coming home from a long holiday;
II: A Db Major tonic chord in the 2nd inversion;
III: The satisfaction of finishing a book, especially one where everything is explained in the last few pages;
IV: Hearing your favourite song and turning it up to full volume, especially when you’re feeling a bit down;
V: Getting into a nice, warm shower first thing in the morning, usually in winter;
VI: Drinking hot honey and lemon when your throat is so sore you can hardly speak;
VII: Seeing your favourite person in the whole world happy, and knowing that you’re their favourite person too.
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