Oh btw, I've decided what i'd like to do when I go to uni, Bachelor of Asian Studies/Bachelor of Music. It'll be fun, but I'm sure it will be hard work!
Anyway! How about some cool stuff! Oh I know. My nan bought me this really pretty locket for my birthday....I really want to put a picture of it up but I can't find one! So you'll just have to wait till my birthday so I can show you all! It's very pretty though! And I got a cute purple dress, like it's bright purple! But I can't have it till my birthday so maybe I'll wear it out for my birthday dinner!
Lots of people ask me me what I'd like for my birthday so I decided to make a list on here gradually over the days as I think of things. There're lots of CDs I'd like: a "very best of" - Elvis and The Beach Boys, Mika wouldn't be too bad either. There's this really cute teddy bear in the quilting shop in Tuggies and it's a panda bear called Ting and it's been there for like years and I've always wanted it....sigh it's very cute. So if someone wants to get me something and is willing to spend more than $10 on me (which is okay if you're not!!!) then you could go have a look there. Tuggies is really the place to be. You guys that never go to tuggies don't know what you're missing out on~! GO TO TUGGERS RIGHT NOW! Just go and have a shop! They have the cutest clothes and stuff there anyway! Geeeeez.
Anyway that'll do for now. I don't really know what I want. I like things that are jokey and made and photos are nice and I'd rather jsut have fun with us all around. I need to get a small and usable digital camera for my party (yay that's going to be so much fun!!!!)
I'll post again later I should be doing composition/musicology folio.
Love Always Sa ^.^
A picture for your thoughts (so cute! the world's smallest teddy bear!!! I think it's 5mm tall)

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