Sunday, 15 April 2007

Hey guys!

Hey hey!
I'm bored....
Wii is really cool btw, did you know? Tika brought his to Darsha's yesterday, I'm absolutely terrible at it....I was the only girl surrounded by nerdy boys who play games all the time to be fair...but it was fun! ^w^ Darsha's party was pretty fun in the end! I was expecting it to be of course, but it was, even though Rob, Tika, Snoopy, Wein and I were the only people who went.That's good in some ways though ^w^
Anyways! I have to do some cleaning and rearranging today...but I haven't started that yet cause I'm bored...........and lazy. I'll wait till Darsh comes over and make him help me *heeheehee*
I'll go find a nice video and put it on here instead I think! Hehe, it's the Mango Song! Rob and Tika are pretty obsessed with this....

Have fun with that guys!
love Sa^w^

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