Sunday, 15 June 2008


heya. i just got my computer sent to me from my parents in australia today, and it just arrived, so i was looking around and i saw all the things that were in my favourites on the internet thing when i opened it up. And i saw this and was reminded of it very strongly! So i opened it up and was having fun reading my angstyness and watching videos, so i decided to write in it again and see how everything is going! I'm sure nobody reads this, but it doesn't matter, cause it's fun to read back on it later.

but today i have been angsty too...i think it's cause my birthday is coming nearer and i am not lookign forward to it for the first time ever.

and club is ridiculous because we're performing on thursday. we practiced for like 9 hours today, the whole time pretty much on a stage under bright lights sweating. and i have to play a solo which is scary because they have so much pressure on them. the teacher is scary as, dude. and she drives me insane a lot of the time. it's very annoying. grr.

but! that's all i can be bothered to write about right now. so have fun!
Love Sa