Saturday, 28 July 2007


Well...Interesting day...*hugs* to everyone that needs them.... *extra hugs* to someone who i know really needs it...
Umm...i don't really know what to say...I just thought i should say somethign so that my angstyness isn't first thing you look at.
I'll put a video up that bradley sent me instead ^.^

Have a nice day guys....
Love Sa

Thursday, 26 July 2007


Heya! I don't know what I'm gonna write about today....hmm just feel like i should because it's been a while.
I'm feeling a bit confused at the moment....i can't really say anymore because it's my problem and not anyone else to worry about, but it's not anyones fault or anything...i'm just being a bit confused. i don't really know how to fix it though, so i just curl up in bed and read hp for about an hour after school every day....which usually leads to either falling asleep or feeling worse because harry is so annoying and he's still being ridiculously angsty! hehe.
On a sadder other beloved goldfish died on tuesday night, Guildenstern. He was the cutest goldfish and i was a bit upset because i really liked him and i thought he was ridiculously cute...but i know stuff happens and i'm sure i'll get another goldfish at sometime, hopefully sooner rather than later ^^ maybe on saturday when we go see the simpsons i'll drag someone to the pet shop to help me choose one...cept they never have very nice goldfish in there. There's a really good place to get goldfish in fyshwick, but that a bit of a way out.

Well being back at school is okay, it really isn't that bad...i just feel like i've been back a lot longer than 4 days!

Oops that reminds me i have to go and practice for ensemble tomorrow...wait i left my bass at school....damn.

Oh well i'll go and take a quick look at it on my normal klarinetten. Before i go i'd just like to say: sorry for missing you this morning AJ! and i've been listening to that song for the last 24 hours almost non-stop!

and also, sorry shu *hugs*

Love Sa

Friday, 20 July 2007

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Love Today

Ahhh...good song...

Yeah I'll type more later, i'm bored and can't think of anything to write....

Love Sa

Saturday, 7 July 2007

RIP Rosencrantz

He was a good fish.


Thanks for the good week or so.


Monday, 2 July 2007

Party piccies

I'm so tired at the moment...must be still recovering more than i thought. Thanks for all comign though! It was great fun!!!!
Here's some piccies

Robbie. I know it's sideways, but you get the idea. His "posh" face.

Shru, Darsh and Me. This was quite early in the morning. I don't look to stoned, in face I look more awake than most of them!

My fish, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. *blop*

More later...I'm jsut tired and don't have that many photos.
Love Sa!